Fagor Automation helps you get the most out of your investment throughout its lifetime, making it more profitable, faster, more reliable, easier to use and program.
Maximize machine productivity.
Improve efficiency.
Increase reliability.
Modernize equipment and working environment.
Reduce maintenance costs.

Contact the machine manufacturer or Fagor Automation directly for:
Retrofits - machine retrofits
CNC equipment upgrades
Machine overhaul and optimization

Machine overhaul and optimization
- Oscilloscope: tool to help in the adjustment of the axes.
- Finetune: Auto-adjustment that performs an automatic optimization of the different machine control loops to achieve machining with the maximum quality and performance required by the customer.
- Circularity test: feature to improve the behavior of the axes in motion inversions.
- Bode diagram: Option to know the frequency response of the machine and filter vibrations.
- Laser calibration: Precise alignment and exact adjustment of the machine axes for optimum machine performance.
- Volumetric compensation: Achieve maximum precision by controlling the machine's work in three dimensions and automatically compensating for these deficiencies to obtain the part with the desired precision and tolerance.
- Datasafe: Backup solution of all machine configuration parameters, which will be at your disposal in case of need.